Friday, October 15, 2010

Antique Gottshcalk furniture

 I showed you this lovely auction lot of furniture once before, but I think they look great in my antique dollhouse so here they are again.

The wonderful little Japan china pitcher on the middle shelf of the bookcase has been mine since I was a child. I have always cherished it. My grandmother gave it to me.
After I took the picture I moved the sitting room pieces into the room at the front to the house (or the I guess to you it is the room at the back of the picture), and set up the dining room.

The red stain radio I bought from a dealer here in my city. It is a bit newer than the rest of the furniture, but I think it fits,

The bead flower vase and the metal gramophone came with the box lot of Schneegas I found at the estate sale.

Here's another shot of the room with an unusual all-bisque doll, I found. She is such a perfect image of the 1920s. I have her dressed as a little girl, but I think she would look good as a flapper too.

Hmmm, where did the red stain radio go? I had better go and have a look in the dollhouse. It seems things are being moved around without my knowledge.

I just knew that the dolls could move around  when I'm not looking. This proves it.

Unless, of course, I moved the radio to another room. Well, I guess that is more likely.




  1. It is so fabulous and looks perfect in that house. Cute doll, does she know anything about the radio? C

  2. you've allways got so wonderful miniatures. I so love the third foto with the little dog!
    it's allways a pleasure to watch your blog and fotos, thanks!
    and a nice weekend to you.

  3. Queda perfecta en tu casa, se ve maravillosa.
    Me encantan esas fotos.
    besitos ascension
