Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Plot Thickens!!

I am so excited!

Tallulah-Belle from Tallulah-Belle Originals recognized my Stockbroker Tudor dollhouse as her childhood home in England. It's spooky how identical my dollhouse is to the real house which is one side of a semi-detached home.

Check out her blog entry : Well.....what a surpise I had

I left her this comment:
Thanks so much for this post. I am amazed that my dollhouse is identical to your childhood home. Your descriptions are wonderful. The coal bin under the stairs was a mystery to me until you explained it. I couldn't figure out why it had no door into the house. Your explanation of the bookshelves in the living room makes me see how this dollhouse must have been copied from a real home. No wonder you got a strange feeling when you saw it. I was experiencing an other-worldly tingle as I read your story. I like to think that this dollhouse was lovingly made by a skilled grandfather in England to give his grandchildren when they emigrated to Canada. He made it so professionally and so beautifully that they could never forget their first home. I can't imagine how anyone could give it up. I would love to hear more. Susan


  1. How exciting! I can imagine how much this discovery enchances your enjoyment of the dollhouse.

  2. I was excited as least now you know a little about it :-)

