(See pictures of my beautiful, hard-won, house throughout this post.)
You can catch up with the saga on my post of June 21, 2012 - The house is mine!!.
I got it for a very low price. I was so excited. I paid for it and waited for it to be sent to me. It didn't come. After repeated attempts to find out when it was being sent I finally got the auction house manager on the phone (he had been refusing to talk to me, but I kept insisting). He told me they wouldn't give it to me, saying that it was in the auction by mistake. That it had been smashed up by careless employees and they couldn't sell it.
But, they put it up for auction again 4 months later.
Below I quote from the post - The house is mine!!
"My dear friend, CM, went to bat for me when this house came up for sale again... She posted about it on her blogs. She called and emailed all the dollhouse collectors and dealers we know. And she had me file a complaint with the Maine Attorney General.
While none of these valiant efforts stopped the re-sale of the dollhouse, CM got the support of the dollhouse collectors world and no one bid on the house except her. And she bought it for me!!!"
Today, over a year later, I received a letter from the State of Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and Auction Licensing Board.
They have fined the auction house $900.00 for a violation of contract requirements, failure to account for property, incompetence ... gross neglect or violation of applicable code of ethics, and violating Auction Board Licensing rules like "an auctioneer shall not commit gross negligence, incompetence or misconduct in the practice of auctioneering".
The auction house also received a warning from the State Board that they would be keeping an eye on them about ethical practices.
I feel somewhat vindicated. It just proves that consumers can fight against unfair practices and stand up for themselves.
I bet the auction house now wishes they had let me have the dollhouse back then, when I bought and paid for it.
The story has a happy ending anyway, as the Tynietoy Townhouse ended up with me after all, thanks to my wonderful friend and fellow blogger CM at My Realitty!!
You can catch up with the saga on my post of June 21, 2012 - The house is mine!!.
I got it for a very low price. I was so excited. I paid for it and waited for it to be sent to me. It didn't come. After repeated attempts to find out when it was being sent I finally got the auction house manager on the phone (he had been refusing to talk to me, but I kept insisting). He told me they wouldn't give it to me, saying that it was in the auction by mistake. That it had been smashed up by careless employees and they couldn't sell it.
But, they put it up for auction again 4 months later.
Below I quote from the post - The house is mine!!
"My dear friend, CM, went to bat for me when this house came up for sale again... She posted about it on her blogs. She called and emailed all the dollhouse collectors and dealers we know. And she had me file a complaint with the Maine Attorney General.
While none of these valiant efforts stopped the re-sale of the dollhouse, CM got the support of the dollhouse collectors world and no one bid on the house except her. And she bought it for me!!!"
Today, over a year later, I received a letter from the State of Maine Department of Professional and Financial Regulation and Auction Licensing Board.

The auction house also received a warning from the State Board that they would be keeping an eye on them about ethical practices.
I feel somewhat vindicated. It just proves that consumers can fight against unfair practices and stand up for themselves.
I bet the auction house now wishes they had let me have the dollhouse back then, when I bought and paid for it.
The story has a happy ending anyway, as the Tynietoy Townhouse ended up with me after all, thanks to my wonderful friend and fellow blogger CM at My Realitty!!