Daphne and Colette are late for the wedding, but they are finally at the church.
"I told you that wasn't a shortcut," says Colette.
"Well we are here now. Let's go in." says Daphne.
"Okay," says Colette. "Stop pulling me."
"Are you sure we are supposed to sit here?" asks Colette. "I can't see a thing."
"You are right," says Daphne. "Let's find a better spot. Now, be quiet."
"This is much better," says Colette. I can see everything now. Doesn't the bride look beautiful!?!"
"She is so gorgeous," says Daphne. "The groom is a lucky fellow."
After the ceremony the bride and groom pose for pictures with their small attendants.
The bride and her mother, CM, share a moment.
CM's two beautiful assistants.
A perfect wedding day! Colette and Daphne dry their happy tears and go outside to join the party.
Congratulations to the older assistant and her groom. May your life be filled with happiness and laughter.
From two tiny wedding guests.
6 days ago