Friday, December 30, 2011

Musee de Poupee Paris - Antique Dolls

What fun to explore Paris with a kindred spirit.

Daphne and Colette have found the Doll Museum.  Let's go inside and see what we can see.

Wow!! What a wonderful exhibit! J'aime les poupees!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Merry Christmas from Susan, Daphne and the Mindolton gang!

Merry Christmas!!

The Caco Clan has gathered for a special Christmas morning with all the children in the family. What a lot of gifts, including new pets.

 The Victorian family is digging into their presents with great joy. They are especially excited about what father has sent from India where he is on duty for the Queen.
The Grecons are excited to see how the children react to the modern Christmas tree and all the gifts. Their faithful maid peeks from the kitchen door.

Mr. and Mrs. Tirolo prepare a special breakfast as they watch Axel and Anneliese play with their Christmas toys.
Jake and Ruby are busy welcoming friends and neighbors in for Christmas morning mimosas.
The Dalley's are having a wonderful Christmas morning.
And back at the Flaggs Patsy still can't figure out why Santa brought her a brother instead of a pony.

I hope all my wonderful blog friends are having an warm, loving, Christmas morning with their loved ones.

Love, hugs, and best wishes for 2012.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Little Putz Farm - Antique Stable

 Please come and visit my little Putz farm. The word "putz" is from the German "putzen" for "to decorate, especially to adorn a church." Originally, the putz consisted of wooden, clay, or tin figures arranged to depict the Nativity, Which explains why there are so many and such a variety of animals
Although I believe the barn is German it is not a Putz building. The dolls are from my collection of painted bisque costume dolls and are not Putz either. I think the majority of items in these pictures are about 100 years old. Don't hesitate to correct me if you have some inside information.

I wrote an earlier post about the barn here. Have a look.
 Little Johnny has dropped his bucket of milk. Mother waits for him by the door on the house side of the building. It seems she hasn't noticed yet. The chickens are curious, but dubious about cleaning up the mess.

 Some of the animals had rough lives before they came to live with me. The three-legged dog is checking out the hornless bull. The dog might be saying. "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
 Behind the barn the cows have gotten in to the hay field. Mother hasn't noticed that either. She is probably tired.
 The horses are facing us instead of their mangers. Both are missing their tails, so they look better this way. besides who wants to look at a couple of horses' rear ends.

A stream runs through the farm, and the oldest sister, Juliet, is crossing the little Putz bridge on her way home from an assignation with the hired man. She has missed the milking.  I am not sure she will want to talk to Mother, especially once mother sees the spilled milk.

 Mother is calling to Jimmy to wash up for supper. Jimmy doesn't hear. He is congratulating his pet sheep on her new baby. They are both very proud.

 "Go away, chickens!" cries Johnny! Oops, he is in trouble now. Mother has noticed the milk.
 "Johnny, clean that up and then wash up for supper!" yells Mother. She knows that there is no use crying over spilled milk.

She is wondering how much mutton she can get from that sheep.

 Juliet is wary of the big goose. It has chased her many times before and she has drawn its attention. Juliet is more afraid of the goose than she is of mother.

 Oh, no, the donkeys have gotten into the load of hay!!

''Johnny," says Mother sharply. "Put the donkeys in the pasture and then finish cleaning up the milk."
 Oh oh, the goat is eying the cow. that goat has bad temper and it has never liked that cow.
It is just a another bucolic day at the farm. Come and visit again. Maybe Father will be home from the fields, then and Mother won't be so harried.

See you then!!


Friday, October 7, 2011

Treasures in unexpected places

Yesterday was a gorgeous Indian Summer day so I decided to walk back to the office from my doctor's appointment.

I had no idea what mini (and maxi) delights were in store for me - like this miniature alteration and repair shop in a Dry Cleaner's window.

I love the detail of shop. the customer is waiting patiently, holding his briefcase and his jacket. Obviously it was as nice a day in his miniworld as it was in my full sized world.
 Can you see the mini shop in the window? It is just to the right of the door.
A view from the top. I wonder if he is picking up the shirts on the counter. They look like they are ready to go.
It was a really sunny day. You can see the reflection of my camera in this shot.

I had such fun looking at everything in the room box that I almost forgot to go back to work.

But eventually I continued on.
 I know this isn't a mini anything, but it tickled my fancy. "Some things aren't meant to last forever." One of life's valuable lessons.
 A little further along I spotted this brick man. Yes, I know he won't fit in a traditional dollhouse, but think how much fun to would be to have a dollhouse his size. Then we would be the tiny people. I suppose we couldn't call it a dollhouse though.
 Brickman is an ...

As I got closer to the office I passed one of my favourite stores. You wouldn't believe the great dollhouse books (both mini and my size) that I find here. The owner knows me now and saves things for me. I have purchased several out-of print reference and coffee table books from him - all on our favourite subject of miniatures and dollhouse design.
My office is in the design area of Toronto. That is, furniture design, not clothes. I took a picture of this store's logo because it reminded me of the Reac furniture boxes.
Then came the biggest surprise of all. As I was passing the store directly across the street from my office building (Klaus, at 300 King Street East, Toronto), I noticed a display case just inside the door.

It held a number of 1:6 scale miniature chairs and sofas.

I pass this store everyday and I have never noticed this display before.

I asked permission to take pictures for my blog and was granted it.
Apparently these are the collection of the store owner and are not for sale. I asked if they were Vitra designs and was told that some were.

 I have one of these chairs in blue. I found it at a garage sale for 25¢. It had the Vitra design label on the bottom. I was quite pleased.

I love these chairs. I apologise for the reflection. The chairs were in a glass case and the sun was directly on them.
So, I had a lovely walk and I found lovely miniatures in places I would have never thought to look. What fun!

I hope you enjoyed taking a stroll with me.

See you soon,
