Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Carmel Doll Shop - not to be for me.

The Carmel Doll Shop could be a wonderful experience - if you could actually get inside it.

So far I haven't been to Carmel, California more than once every 30 years, so I was excited to visit the famous Carmel Doll Shop.

It has wonderful antique dolls and dollhouse items.

When I arrived it was closed. The sign on the door said that if it was closed during business hours I should phone the posted number and someone would be there within minutes.

Heart aflutter I dialed the number.

The voice that answered was promising. "Carmel Doll Shop?"

I explained I was there and waiting for them to arrive within minutes so I could see the shop.

 But the voice had some crushing news. "The owners are at a doll show in Chicago and won't be back until next week."

I explained that I was leaving town soon.  Would they be back before Wednesday?

"No," the terrible voice told me. "They won't be back by then."

Heart broken and crestfallen, I could do nothing but take pictures through the windows and imagine that the wonderful antique items I saw inside that shop were selling at prices that I could actually afford.

Heavy of heart I consoled myself at a nearby cafe with a cappuccino and blueberry scone.

I will have to content myself with their website where I know the prices are out of my range. But to dream is to live - or some such ...



  1. Oh, how disappointing! I know how it feels, I have also been the one gazing through the window and seeing fabulous things I know I never will get because the shop is closed and I'm leaving the town before it opens.

    Think of it as money saved that you can use to treat yourself on ebay :-)

  2. You are right!! I can heal my broken heart by shopping elsewhere. I feel better already. LOL

    Thanks for the sensible words.


  3. My heart goes ou to you,so close.
    regards Marlene

  4. Oh, how disappointing not to be able to even look at the wonderful things inside! Maybe they have a bargain table, with prices a bit more in reach than the things on their website .... But how strange not to put a notice on the door!
    Better luck on the rest of your trip - as I commented to CM, you seem to be a bit of a Flagg magnet, and a mini magnet in general, so I'm sure you'll find other treasures on your travels.

  5. Que pena, que no pudiste visitar la tienda!!!!
    Por las fotos se ve que habia cosas fantasticas.
    besitos ascension

  6. Ha ha It is SUCH a cruel world! Consider yourself lucky or you migh have sold your children for cash. The pictures are lovely even if through a window.
    Colette is bored without someone to explore with and Jim has disappeared. I hope he didn't hide in Daphne's suitcase... C

  7. Wow, the shop is really wonderful, I whish that you can go again and the shop will be open... greetings

  8. I will be in Carmel next week. I know that everything there is so expensive but I like to look.
    What's the address? Oh that's right. Carmel has no addresses. sheesh

  9. The shop looks fantastic, that has also happened to me, you travel a long way expecting the store to be open during business hours but for some reason, just on the day you visit, it is closed. The prices were probably sky-high any way. Love that spiral staircase in one of the shots.

  10. Such sympathetic comments. It is so nice to complain to people who get it. Thanks All!!

    CM - I haven't seen Jim yet, but he is pretty clever. Maybe they'll find him at customs.

    Mini Pig - Click on the link to the shop. They have their address on their website. Carmel isn't very big so the shop is easy to find. It is in a courtyard on Lincoln Street between 5th and 6th Avenues. It is not right on the street. It is set back a ways.


  11. Do you know The Miniature Museum in Carmel??
    "Smallsea a Metropolis in Miniature".
    I would like to Know opinions from visitors, because I can't go there to take a look.

  12. Imagino la desilusiĆ³n de encontrarla cerrada y sin posibilidad de volverla a ver.
    Desde luego por las fotos se ve que es una tienda preciosas. Gracias por compartirlas. Besitos May
